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John & Debra Bellmaine



Once you are under contract to purchase a home, home inspections should be scheduled as soon as possible.

In Florida, it is usual to get both a general property inspection and a termite inspection. The property inspection is looking at the roof integrity, electrical, plumbing, A/C, the building structure, grading of the lot, plus numerous other aspects of the property. The termite inspection is also referred to as a WDO inspection because this inspection is looking for all wood destroying organisms – wood rot as well as termites.

It is the buyer’s decision whether or not to have inspections done, but we cannot stress enough the desirability of having it done. In fact, if you choose not to have inspections we will require a signed waiver, indicating that we did advise you to have the inspections done!

Below are some companies that past buyers have used, and with whose service they were pleased. We do not endorse any of these companies, and this information is provided for your convenience only.

Property Inspection Companies
WDO Inspection Companies
  • Insectech Termite Solutions, (727) 542-3364
  • Tarpon Pest Control, (727) 738-4058